Diversify the selection of greeting cards you make available to retail customers by ordering the highly unique Jadei Graphics line of cards available from NobleWorks Cards. Far removed from the raunchy cartoon humor that characterizes much of NobleWorks' offerings, Jadei Graphics tones down the cruder elements present in other NobleWorks product lines in favor of highly realistic, colorful retro poster art featuring icons such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.
These beautifully illustrated cards for Christmas and birthdays are distinctive and will really make their mark on any person receiving them. Illustrated by such renowned artists as Bob Talbot, Jim Brandenburg and Gottfried Helnwein, Jadei Graphics adds a touch of class and wistful nostalgia to the NobleWorks Inc. catalog, and you can add it to your retail catalog, too, with a wholesale order that comes with free shipping. All Jadei Graphics greeting cards are printed on FSC certified recycled paper, so they are environmentally friendly.
If you are a retail shopper who seeks an individual Jadei Graphics card, the place you should be shopping is NobleWorksCards.com, not here. This place is strictly for wholesale orders.
25% off all Thanksgiving cards through 9/10/24 with code GOBBLE24 on wholesale orders only @ www.NobleWorksInc.com.
Minimum Purchase:
$160 of any items.
Other Restrictions:
Cannot be used on previous purchases or combined with other offers, discounts, or allowances. All discounts and bonuses are contingent upon payment within terms, and late payment will result in forfeiture of any discounts.
Online Orders Terms:
Free UPS Ground shipping. Net 60 Dating for established net accounts or after your first prepaid order. Only at www.NobleWorksInc.com.